segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2012

About Mário Silva

MÁRIO SILVA, (Coimbra, 29/11/1929 — Coimbra, 10/09/2016). Drawing from the generation of the sixties by way of cultural action, Silva's humanistic and libertarian values contrast sharply with the establishment.

He attended the Engineering College at the University of Coimbra, co-founding the Circle of Fine Arts of the Academic Association. He mediated, together with Reyes Santos, the Second International Colloquium of Art, where he met René Huyghe.

His 45-year career achieved great public success, winning national and international critical interest. His artwork is not only dedicated to painting, but also extends to the fields of graphic arts (monotype, etching, silkscreen, illustration, and poster), ceramics, sculpture and monumental public art.

With its inception in the sixties, his artwork has been shown in numerous international art fairs, biennials, collective and individual exhibitions in: Portugal (Lisbon, Estoril, Porto, Coimbra, many other cities and university centers), Sweden (Stockholm) in Denmark (Copenhagen), the Netherlands (Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht), Belgium (Brussels), UK (London, Scotland / Glasgow), Finland (Helsinki), Denmark (Egsberg), France (Paris, Lille ,Chaville), Italy (Rome, Milan, Sienna, Florence, Gabice-Mare, How, Montecatini), Spain(Madrid, Sottomayor, Salamanca, Sevilla, Barcelona, Vigo), Switzerland (Bern, Geneva,Wessel, Burckhardt) Germany (Berlin, Hamburg, Hannover), Austria (Salzburg), USA (NewYork, Houston, Chicago, Buffalo, Michigan, Toledo / Ohio, New Jersey, Florida,Montgomery, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Anchorage), Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo,Bahia Salvador), Guatemala, Cuba (Havana, St. James), Angola (Luanda), Morocco, Japan (Chibak, Tokyo) and Thailand (Bangkok).

He has earned national and international awards such as: “Copa per il miglior Artista d’Avanguardia” (Milan-Italy, 74), the Grand Prix Galliano (Milan, 75), the International Peace Prize (International Institute for Humanistic Studies in Rome - Foundation for poets, writers, artists and journalists, Italy, 83), the 1st Prize Arte d’Avanguardia (Milan, Italy, 74), Valbruna Prize -Sculpture (Gabicce-Mare, Italy, 71) and, among others, the Silver Cups (Commune di Como, Italy in 1972 and 82) and Gold Medal (Giro delle Arte di Lombardia-Italy 75).

His works are present in many Museums of Modern and Contemporary Art: Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Boston, Anchorage, Amsterdam, Montecatini, Stockholm, Coimbra, Lisbon, Amarante, Castelo Branco, F. da Foz, VF Xira, Viseu, Ovar.
He is also present in Art Galleries, public and private collections throughout the world.

He is a member of the National Society of Fine Arts (Lisbon), Vice-Chairman of the Board of the National Association of ANAP-National association of Portuguese Artists, and was elected a member of the Portuguese Committee for AIAP-“Association Internationale des Arts Plastiques” |UNESCO Paris. He is a honorary member of the Galician and Portuguese Friendship and Arts Association (AAAGP) from Portugal.

In 2006, the city of Coimbra honored him with the Medal of Cultural Merit of the City, and in 2007 he was awarded by the Portuguese government with the Medal of Cultural Merit, signed and handed by the Minister of Culture. In 2009 he was awarded the Career Prize by the "Biennale Internazionale dell'Arte Contemporanea" in Florence.

Associated with countless artists, men of letters and scientists from multiple schools and art movements from around the world, Mário Silva has promoted the dissemination of interdisciplinary art in dialogue with the younger generations.

Exhibition Opening

The Exhibition Opening will take place on: Tuesday 1st of May, 2012 in the CAE – Center for Arts and Events, Abade Pedro street, 3080-084 Figueira da Foz, Portugal, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.


 1 de maio 2012

Por iniciativa da associação de artes figueirense, AAAGP - Associação da Amizade e das Artes Galego Portuguesa - foi instituído pela primeira vez e a nivel internacional,  a bienal do Prémio Mário Silva.

Participaram 21 artistas: 

Na área da fotografia: António Ramos; José Rasquinho e João Valentim
Na área da escultura: Graça Patrão
Na área de instalação: Cosme
Na área da Pintura: Silvana Violante (Itália), José Carrasco, kim Cruz, Pedro Charters d`Azevedo, Lourdes Da Silva (França), Maria Claudino, Fernando Pascoal,  São Passos, Manuela Marques, Victor Costa, Adozinda Silva, Regina Affonso (Brasil), Silvia Marieta, Teresa Gaspar, Carlos Lameiro e Maria Guia Pimpão.

Ganharam os seguintes Prémios: Medalhas + Diplomas
Menção Honrosa Bronze: Pedro Charters d`Azevedo com a obra "Surpresa"
Menção Honrosa Prata:  Maria Guia Pimpão com a obra "Poema para a minha mãe"
Menção Honrosa Ouro: Kim Cruz com a obra"Musicar"

Grande Prémio Mário Silva: Sílvia Marieta com a obra "O resgate" No valor de 700€ ( 500€ em dinheiro e 200€ no troféu em prata) + Diploma.

No almoço convívio na Quinta da Salmanha participaram 64 pessoas, sócios, amigos e familiares, a boa disposição reinou entre os presentes

Um grande OBRIGADO aos artistas participantes no prémio, as entidades que nos deram a sua ajuda na organização deste evento: Câmara Municipal da Figueira da Foz representada pelo Vereador da Cultura António Tavares, o Centro de Artes e Espetáculos em especial a Dra Margarida Perolas e a Junta da Freguesia de São Julião - Figueira da Foz representada pelo Cor. Góis Moço.